Triunfo Portuguese Extra Virgin Olive Oil tins


.At Freight we are always looking for new leads on good quality olive oil from Europe. It's a product we use daily and wanted to find a reliable source that we could import directly from source. This brand is particularly lovely. Tried and tested we can assure you this is a top quality olive oil. 

Triunfo Extra Virgin Olive Oil stands out due to its intense and pure flavour. With a traditionally Portuguese profile, it is produced using mostly typical Alentejo olive varieties, such as Galega, Cordovil and Cobrançosa. This oil is obtained exclusively by pressing fresh olives of superior quality. No solvents or other chemical agents are used for extraction or preservation. 

In 1911, along with his brothers Manuel da Silva Torrado established the company Manuel da Silva Torrado & Cª. 

Aware of the quality and refinement of his region’s olive oils, Manuel da Silva Torrado decided to take this delicacy to Lisbon. It was a success! As the market grew, a more rigorous selection was made from olive groves in the region to ensure his olive oil was always the best.

The need arose to find not only an olive oil of great quality, but also packaging that ensured the olive oil reached the consumer with all of its virtues and attributes intact. Therefore, the tin packaging was created to preserve and protect all of the olive oil’s properties. Providing us with these beautiful traditional tins that make them the perfect gift idea for someone who loves to cook or to eat! 

Max acidity: 0.8%


1 Litre 


Produced in Portugal


Santa Maria Extra Virgin Portuguese Olive Oil